Goal Recognition for the Organizational Memory
Properly managing an organization's knowledge is crucial because a large part of it is volatile since it is hosted on individuals. This produces what is known as Corporate Amnesia, a problem characterized by the regular loss of knowledge and experience of the organization. Organizational Memory is a term that has been introduced to describe all the skills and experience that characterizes the "know-how" of any organization. The Organizational memory comprises the documentation of the organization, the objects or artifacts that are stored in the library or online database of the organization and that can be used by employees familiar with the specific events and experiences the organization. Both explicit knowledge (physical evidence) and implicit knowledge (evidence that is more "cerebral") are important for efficient decision making, to learn from past experiences and to try to replicate successful situations and avoid repeating past mistakes. The objective of this project is the analysis, design and implementation of techniques to obtain a semi-automatic model of the activities carried out by the employees of an organization. This model will track the activities taking place at a particular time and detect employees behavior that deviates from normal behavior. In this direction we propose the definition, implementation and evaluation of new methods and techniques that enable intelligent recommendation to provide active assistance to an employee whose behavior does not conform to expected behavior.
Director: Dr. Marcelo G. Armentano